Monday, November 30, 2009

MindMeister Lesson Plan


Class: 9th Grade English

Date: November 30, 2009

Lesson Title: Author Reports

Objectives: Students will study an author or poet and two of their major works. Students will create a Mindmeister for their report on a chosen author or poet.

State Core Curriculum Standards:
[Standard 1.2] Comprehend and evaluate informational text.
[Standard 3] Students will understand the process of seeking and giving information in conversations, group discussions, written reports, and oral presentations.

Concepts to be Taught: biographies, literary analysis, presenting information

Materials Needed: Computers, internet, Mindmeister

Strategies to be Used: mapping, images, web links


Announcements: None

Continuation from Previous Lesson: Last class we had an overview of England’s history because we are going to be studying British literature from different time periods.

Lesson Presentation:

Getting Started—Anticipatory Set: I will show you on the screen an example of what we are going to be doing for the next few classes. We are going to start a project today to help us learn a little more about British literature. Show example of Mindmeister on Percy Shelley.

Directing the Learning—Activity: Each of you will make a Mindmeister about an author, and 2 of their major works.

1. Pick a British author or poet to study. The author/poet can be from any time period.
2. Research the author/poet using internet sources such as Wikipedia,, or Take notes on their biographical information. I am looking for things like birth date, where they grew up, where they went to college (if any), marriages if any, when they died, and other interesting facts.

3. Choose 2 major works by the author/poet and take notes on the basic plot or message of those works. You can find this information at the sites listed above or at

4. Put your notes into a Mindmeister. Start with the author’s name in the middle and their picture. Add a famous quote by them in the subtext.

5. Create a Biography box that includes another picture or sketch of the author. Type the biographical information from your notes into the subtext.

6. Create 2 more boxes, one for each work you are doing. Include a picture that is relevant to the work. Type the basic plot or message from your notes into the subtext of each.

Lesson Conclusion: We will continue working on this next class period.

Evaluation: Teacher will review Mindmeister projects to check for completion. Students will turn in worksheet after reviewing 3 peer Mindmeister projects.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

MindMeister Mind Map

Much better than

Saturday, November 14, 2009

So easy to use! The idea is very simple. Rather than doing bubble brainstorming on paper you can do it online. As a teacher this tool would be great for making sample outlines for a paper students have to write, or for organizing the different aspects of a topic you wish to discuss for a class. You could also have students do their brainstorming online, and share it with you on your class blog/website, or print out a copy.

I have done a sample brainstorm of things I want to discuss with the class on the novel Persuasion by Jane Austen.

Play around in the window. You can zoom in/out, and drag around to different parts. I am still learning about it so there may be more applications (such as adding explanatory text in each bubble, etc.)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Technology Project

I will be combining a few different to
ols for this project. From what I can tell they seem small enough that I can explore a few of them and learn their applications in the classroom. I will be trying out brainstorming tools on, creating tests/quizzes using Hot Potatoes, and creating online surveys using Polldaddy.

"Ozymandias" Video

Here is Percy Shelley's poem "Ozymandias" with an interpretation of themes following.
It's best to watch in full screen!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Personal Learning Network

1. I chose the National Council of Teachers of English as one of my resources because I will be part of that organization as a teacher, and they are the most up-to-date in my field.

2. Poetry 180 is a great place where the Library of Congress posts a poem a day for educational use.

3. Poetry News and Resources is a listing of resources, again from the Library of Congress.

4. The U.S. Department of Education seemed important to follow so that I can know the latest in education policy, news, and pedagogical theory.

I also joined Twitter to network with others in my discipline.