Saturday, November 14, 2009

So easy to use! The idea is very simple. Rather than doing bubble brainstorming on paper you can do it online. As a teacher this tool would be great for making sample outlines for a paper students have to write, or for organizing the different aspects of a topic you wish to discuss for a class. You could also have students do their brainstorming online, and share it with you on your class blog/website, or print out a copy.

I have done a sample brainstorm of things I want to discuss with the class on the novel Persuasion by Jane Austen.

Play around in the window. You can zoom in/out, and drag around to different parts. I am still learning about it so there may be more applications (such as adding explanatory text in each bubble, etc.)

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I'll need to add this to the list. I've used Mindmeister, but not before.
