Monday, November 30, 2009

MindMeister Lesson Plan


Class: 9th Grade English

Date: November 30, 2009

Lesson Title: Author Reports

Objectives: Students will study an author or poet and two of their major works. Students will create a Mindmeister for their report on a chosen author or poet.

State Core Curriculum Standards:
[Standard 1.2] Comprehend and evaluate informational text.
[Standard 3] Students will understand the process of seeking and giving information in conversations, group discussions, written reports, and oral presentations.

Concepts to be Taught: biographies, literary analysis, presenting information

Materials Needed: Computers, internet, Mindmeister

Strategies to be Used: mapping, images, web links


Announcements: None

Continuation from Previous Lesson: Last class we had an overview of England’s history because we are going to be studying British literature from different time periods.

Lesson Presentation:

Getting Started—Anticipatory Set: I will show you on the screen an example of what we are going to be doing for the next few classes. We are going to start a project today to help us learn a little more about British literature. Show example of Mindmeister on Percy Shelley.

Directing the Learning—Activity: Each of you will make a Mindmeister about an author, and 2 of their major works.

1. Pick a British author or poet to study. The author/poet can be from any time period.
2. Research the author/poet using internet sources such as Wikipedia,, or Take notes on their biographical information. I am looking for things like birth date, where they grew up, where they went to college (if any), marriages if any, when they died, and other interesting facts.

3. Choose 2 major works by the author/poet and take notes on the basic plot or message of those works. You can find this information at the sites listed above or at

4. Put your notes into a Mindmeister. Start with the author’s name in the middle and their picture. Add a famous quote by them in the subtext.

5. Create a Biography box that includes another picture or sketch of the author. Type the biographical information from your notes into the subtext.

6. Create 2 more boxes, one for each work you are doing. Include a picture that is relevant to the work. Type the basic plot or message from your notes into the subtext of each.

Lesson Conclusion: We will continue working on this next class period.

Evaluation: Teacher will review Mindmeister projects to check for completion. Students will turn in worksheet after reviewing 3 peer Mindmeister projects.

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