Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Spark Notes?

When I was in high school, using sparknotes or cliffnotes or anything like that off the internet was taboo. In fact, some teachers considered it cheating. I think the times are a changing...

Since I've been here at college, I am encouraged to look up as much information as I want about literature! It's great! I think that a lot of the problem was that teachers didn't know how to use the internet and so they were afraid of it. They imagined large scale cheating, or who knows.

The real concern of course is getting students to read their books. I am a HUGE proponent of sparknotes, cliffnotes, etc. because it encourages thinking, gives students a little help and direction, and breeds quality discussions.

--> Here's the trick <--

As a teacher, let the students know up front that they can use these resources. Then let them know that you still expect them to read the actual novel, poem, or whatever. Let them know that your tests will include things that can't be found on sparknotes. That way, if they struggle they can review things on these websites, but at the same time they will read the book also!

Just a thought for English teachers.

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